Research scholarship
NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Program and Women in Science and Engineering
NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Program and Women in Science and Engineering
Phases Lab monitored by Professor Zi-Kui Liu -
Professor Liu’s research interests focus on the modeling and design
of a wide range of materials chemistry and processing through integrating first-principles calculations, statistic mechanics, thermodynamic/kinetic modeling, and critically designed experiments for structural and functional applications.
of a wide range of materials chemistry and processing through integrating first-principles calculations, statistic mechanics, thermodynamic/kinetic modeling, and critically designed experiments for structural and functional applications.
studies in Professor Liu’s Phases Research Lab concentrate on aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, Ni-base superalloys, titanium
alloys, ion transport membranes, ferroelectrics, and Li-ion battery
materials. The primary emphasis is on fundamentals of phase stability, defect
chemistry, and their applications in understanding and predicting relationships
among materials chemistry, processing, and properties.