I have been adopted by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Gifted Students Program (KGSP). I'm proud of this unique opportunity.

" 04 September 2011
Dear Jawaher Mutlaq Almutlaq,
It is my pleasure to congratulate you on your successful acceptance to the KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP) and to officially invite you to join the 2011 cohort for this prestigious scholarship.

The purpose of this award is to provide you the opportunity to earn a B.S. degree at a highly competitive U.S. university as a stepping stone toward an M.S. degree at KAUST. The award has been granted in recognition of your outstanding academic achievements, your talent, and your potential to make significant contributions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the region and the world in the areas of science and engineering.

Congratulations once again on your academic successes. I am confident KGSP will mark the start of an exciting journey toward fulfilling your scientific and professional ambitions.

 Best wishes,

 Jamal Alsayyed
  Director, KAUST Gifted Student Program & Scholarships
  King Abdullah University of Science & Technology

The KGSP Scholarship was launched in August 2008.  Through this program, exceptional Saudi secondary school graduates are hand picked by KAUST from the top 2% of their graduating classes and placed into selective English Language or Foundation Year programs in the United States or the United Kingdom.  This scholarship supports male and female Saudi secondary school graduates beyond their Foundation Year and through their undergraduate study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math.  Upon completion of their undergraduate degree, KGSP students will apply to KAUST for their master's degree. 
In addition to their academic studies, students participate in community service, cultural engagement, and leadership development activities.  This combination of exceptional academic performance and extracurricular activities is designed to assist students in developing leadership skills and a sense of civic responsibility, as well as deepening their understanding of different aspects of cutting-edge science and technology.  KGSP students are also often engaged in academic programs during the summer including KAUST facilitated research opportunities at universities or research institutes.

KAUST Campus

R&D Magazine has named KAUST as their 2011 'Lab of the Year

Here in this video, Dr. Jean-Marie Basset, the director of KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC), introduces a new discovery, The Silica Nanospheres (KCC-1) with Fibrous Morphology.

I'm looking forward to contribute with them in this field.